Topics: All posts, Port, Security, Terminal

Shiplog finner veien inn i havnedataystemet Port 

Grieg Connect har tatt skritt for å fornye det velprøvde programmet Shiplog Havn, som har vært en pålitelig ressurs i daglig drift ved nordiske havner i mer enn ti år. Integreringen av Shiplog direkte inn i det skybaserte systemet Port fjerner behovet for flere systemer ved å samle alle essensielle funksjoner i et program. Dette tiltaket forventes ikke bare å øke effektiviteten men også å forbedre brukervennligheten betraktelig.

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Port GO: ny mobilapp lanseres

Grieg Connect tetter denne vinteren gapet mellom tjenesteleveranser og etterregistrering på kontoret. Med lanseringen av den oppgraderte mobilapplikasjonen Port GO tilrettelegges det for enklere og mer effektiv håndtering av anløp, tjenester og ressursplanlegging.

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New CEO in Grieg Connect

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce the appointment of our new CEO, Espen Ranvik. 

Espen will lead us as we embark on an exciting phase of growth and innovation in continuing development of our premier suite of maritime port software and leading industry knowledge, transforming our customers ports into world-class logistics hubs.

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Efficient container handling isn’t just about imports and exports; it’s also about agile rehandling during port calls. With shipping liners emphasising capacity utilisation, a digitised process for restowing is paramount. Grieg Connect’s latest feature—a dedicated restow module—is set to launch in our Terminal Operating System (TOS) this month.

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Important Update: New Authentication Flow and Two-Factor Authentication in Grieg Connect

We are excited to bring you an important update regarding the security of your Grieg Connect experience. As a user with a Grieg ID and access to our software systems, we want to ensure that your personal and business-critical information remains secure. In line with this commitment, we are introducing a new authentication flow that includes Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and federated login with Azure AD in our production environment.

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Grieg Connect Strengthens Security with Two-Factor Authentication and Federated Login 

In an era where data protection is of utmost importance, we at Grieg Connect are taking a significant step to enhance our security measures. We are introducing two-factor authentication (2FA) and federated login across five of our modules: Port, Security, Explore Plan, and Terminal. This decision reflects our commitment to upholding the highest levels of data security and privacy for all users of our software. 

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The new mooring plan

Mooring planning is an important part of ship arrival preparations. As ships get larger and margins smaller, there is an increasing need for a common real-time picture. To meet this need, an easy-to-execute, digital mooring plan integrated with PORT, Grieg Connects PMIS, will now be rolled out to more than 45 Nordic ports.

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Port of Kaskinen utilises Business Intelligence for data-driven decissions

Port of Kaskinen has seamlessly integrated, Explore, Grieg Connects BI module into their Port Management Information System (PMIS). This makes them the first Port authority to utilize the new tool for strategic and operational decision making.

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Reporting of container damage in TOS

Over 80 percent of global trade is transported from producers to consumers via sea routes. Containers are the preferred carrier, but they are occasionally damaged during transport. It is therefore important for container terminals in their terminal system (TOS) to easily register damage, work on it, and possibly make repairs if requested by the container owner. Grieg Connect has now created a damage module to meet this need for our customers.

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PORT – Improved port call handling with KPIs in a modern dashboard

In 2022, Grieg Connect worked on user design, new features, and a technical upgrade to improve the workday for port captains, who handle port calls in our port management information system (PMIS). This has been in user testing, since the new year at nine collaborating ports, and is now released to all customers.

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